Think back on how many websites you’ve visited on your phone that have the important information at the bottom of the screen. And the distance to scroll on your phone from header to footer is approximately (measuring now…) 1/2 a mile.
Here’s why that happens
Web designers often do their user interface, mockups, wireframes, etc in a desktop layout first. That’s okay, but unless you’re really (I mean really) mindful of mobile you’re going to create a page that’s way too long. And your important info will be in a place that’s not ideal.
The solution
KISS. (that’s an acronym for “keep it simple stupid”)
Don’t design your site with mobile as an afterthought. Start with mobile. Make desktop an afterthought – don’t worry, desktop layouts are easier anyway.
If you don’t, your call to action will be minuscule and your users will get bored scrolling.